This post is all about you guys. Gratitude is a big deal to me. I thank you. You readers, you who make my recipes each week and you who have continually supported me and my blog, many of you from the very beginning when I started it just over 2 years ago.
For the past 2 years, my blog has grown more than I ever imagined and I have YOU all to thank for it. I had a very specific vision when I started The Vegan 8 and it has become such a big part of my life and one of my greatest passions. Without you all making my recipes and loving them and sharing them with your family and friends, it would not grow. Yes, I work extremely hard in the kitchen testing to share recipes, which is important for a blog to grow since the recipes need to be great, but my gratitude goes to you guys who make them. Over and over. I have gotten to know many of you by name and know your stories and even many of your allergies. I have worked hard to show you I care about you and your requests and connect with you.
To show you my gratitude, I figured a big beautiful shiny NEW Red KitchenAid Food Processor would be a great Christmas present for one of you. I chose a food processor because it is the ONE major kitchen appliance I use the MOST out of everything. I absolutely cannot live without it and I use it more than anything else for my recipes. Since so many of you have stated you do not have one, I figured this would be the best gift to share as a giveaway.
I love receiving your comments, feedback and your emails each week. I love getting your recipe requests and although it takes me some time to get to them all, I’m truly touched that you reach out to me and have confidence in me to create something for you. You really don’t know how humbled I am by that. So, thank you.
So, to enter this giveaway, it’s very simple. All you have to do is TWO things: Enter the Giveaway below and be subscribed to my blog. Afterall, I’m giving you the opportunity to win a brand new appliance, you should already be subscribed I hope, haha! You can subscribe in the red box on the right side bar, if you haven’t yet!
This is not a sponsored post, I bought this with my own money, so I can only afford to ship it within the USA, so please don’t be mad at me if you live outside the US. 🙂
Here is my beautiful daughter being a cute little hand model for the processor….this picture seriously made me laugh!
GOOD LUCK! One of you will get this beautiful new KitchenAid Food Processor for Christmas this year! Exciting!
To qualify for the giveaway:
- Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway below
- Subscribe to the blog. If you are not already, do so by entering your email in the RED box in the right sidebar, and be sure to confirm the email sent to your inbox. All entries will be verified.
This giveaway will run from Monday December 14, 2015 8:30 a.m. to Monday December 21, 2015 12 p.m. central time. I will notify the winner via email as soon as the contest ends, based on your entry.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Biscuits? Or maybe brownies?? So many choices!
The first thing I’m going to make is some hummus!
Cashew butter!
The first thing I’ll be making is some homemade pie crust!! 🙂
Oh the possibilities! Probably date truffles? or nice cream? or pesto hummus??? Love your website btw!
I would make Hummus
I would welcome the fp with a nutbutter in our home
I would make some cashew cheesecake and all that other stuff that I can’t currently make from smoothly ground nuts.